One of these versions no longer exists. For better or for worse.
Saturday, August 31, 2024
Friday, August 30, 2024
Thursday, August 29, 2024
Rain from kitchen towel
I'm really not sure how this one came about, except that I was using hot press paper and pulled the paint around with a painting knife and with kitchen roll paper. Something here that I really like. An energy that is bold and sensitive at the same time.
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Exploring techniques versus exploring feelings
Lately, I have been trying to figure out how I want to paint clouds. But I've been focussing on techniques, rather than feelings. It's led me down a few rabbit holes. All part of the journey!
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Art and the Outdoors
It was a few weeks ago. The Hugh Lane Gallery had an outdoors event, mostly aimed at kids. But we turned up and sketched it all.
I started in watercolour, then added ink and colour pencil. It was a bit all over the place, but I had fun.
Monday, August 26, 2024
Sennelier Grey and Warm Grey
Sennelier Grey and Warm Grey. With some Ultramarine Blue added. Some look like an octopus. That's the fun of experimenting. You never know what's going to appear.
Sunday, August 25, 2024
Clouds in watercolour and some white gouache
The shapes are still clunky, but I am somewhat happier with the process. Same blues as in the earlier version, but this time, I used my watercolour grey mix (UB + TRO, maybe a little bit of pink PV19 and some Buff Titanium) as the base of the clouds, And I added some white gouache, trying to find the right consistency, not too liquid, but not as heavy as the previous experiment. But after all that, I think that this is not how I want to paint. These clouds are just not me. They lack energy and passion. Why is it that I know these things deep inside, but I still feel the need to go on tangents?
Fixing a cloud in gouache
The good thing with gouache is that you can fix it. Up to a point, anyway. I was so unhappy with that brutalist, Darth Vader, spaceship of a cloud that I had to go back. It's not exactly what I had in mind, but it doesn't hurt to look at it quite as much as the original version. I had to use some Cobalt Blue gouache in the sky to reshape it, then some softer greys.
Saturday, August 24, 2024
Pine cone (done at the hairdresser's)
I was at the hairdresser's recently. I didn't sketch a self-portrait. I picked up a pine cone on the way, and drew it, twice. Very relaxing.
Friday, August 23, 2024
Heavy clouds with gouache
Warm greys for clouds?
Thursday, August 22, 2024
Playing with ink and an Asian brush
Not clouds today. Because I had done some exploration with an Asian brush, it felt like some calligraphy was called for. Done with an old bottle of Indian ink. Two layers. Glad I got it out of my system.
Wednesday, August 21, 2024
Happy in Greystones
Strictly speaking, we were in County Wicklow. But Greystones still feels very much like a suburb of Dublin. And it's not too far from home. We were sketching there on a gloriously warm and sunny day. We don't have many of those in Ireland. I even got to paint shadows! What a novelty! Liked it so much that I persuaded Brendan to go there with me a few days later just to try the food. We had the Buddha Bowl. It was delicious.
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
Sketchbook flipthrough - Nantes
Sketches done in Nantes in May. You've seen all of these in individual pictures, but I think it's always lovely to see the full sketchbook.
Sketchbook Flipthrough - Japan 2024
Sketches from our trip to Japan in April. Since I had the tripod set up, I decided to film this sketchbook too.
Monday, August 19, 2024
An afternoon in Dun Laoghaire
This was the last Sunday in July. It was a perfect day. Weather was good, sketching buddies were fun. I was sitting comfortably on a bench with lots of interesting views. So, here is my story of Dun Laoghaire on a sunny summer's day, in four sketchbook spreads.
First, the food trucks. Fish and Chips and Coffee. These are permanently parked at the entrance to the pier. At least now they have a queuing system so people are not blocking the footpath quite so much, But their diesel generator is noisy and smelly. They should not be there. But Irish people love their takeaway coffee. And a day at the seaside without fish and chips is not quite the same!

Sketchbook flip-through - Impressions of Beara
Impressions of Beara, from the sketches I did on location earlier this year.
Sunday, August 18, 2024
Dark Clouds
Gouache colour mixing
For the days when I don't have time to paint...
And I really want to get to know how to sketch in gouache. Every time I try, I end up with heavy, dry, paintings. But colour mixing is so soothing!
Love the right-hand column in particular.
Saturday, August 17, 2024
Little sketches from Airfield
We live near Airfield farm and gardens. When I don't have the energy to go further afield, it's lovely to go there for a stroll. If you can ignore all the families and children climbing trees. Which I did, ignore them, when sketching there recently.
Friday, August 16, 2024
Turkish coffee
This sketch was done from photos and a video that Suhita Shirodkar shared with her Substack subscribers. We all work from the same set of images, and it's always fascinating to see how we figure out how to approach the same subject in so many different ways. All in the space of half an hour!
I just picked one blue and one orange colour pencil. And added a little bit of watercolour for the coffee-making instruments.
Thursday, August 15, 2024
Isolated shower. One more
I keep coming back to these big single clouds. Not at all the kind of clouds we have in Ireland. Just like the other two in the same style, I was exploring the theme of isolation, but I ended up strongly connecting it to the ground. I always find it fascinating when I listen to my authentic voice, rather than trying to imitate how I think I should be painting.
Wednesday, August 14, 2024
Threatening clouds over Trentemoult
Used a similar mix from the previous attempt, but I applied a Monte Amiata Natural Sienna wash first, very diluted. And I waited and waited until the first layer was just the right amount of damp but not wet and not dry before I applied the second layer.
The landscape below is a bit twee. But I felt the need to anchor the sky. And I was inspired by a photo I took from the Navibus as we were leaving Trentemoult across from Nantes.