Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Sketches from my travels - part 4, Yokohama

We left Tokyo for a couple of days, and went to Yokohama, though it's only half an hour on the train, and it's really part of the same giant urban sprawl. Yet, it has a very different feel. Big seafront, lovely parks, a great Chinatown, and the Cup Noodle Museum! 

Great view from our hotel, but I didn't have the energy to sketch it all. But on the Tuesday morning, I met up with Jane and we went sketching together. Her positive energy was contagious and it was a real turning point for me. You can see the colours and the energy coming back! And no, I had never met Jane before. We just followed each other on Instagram. But next time I'm in Japan, I will make time to catch up with her again!

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