Tuesday, April 20, 2021

The Field

I feel I'm getting somewhere. I really should focus on my direct watercolour painting more, though. 

But I am quite distracted at the moment. Just normal life. And this crazy pandemic. One moment our government says they are going to vaccinate by professional risk categories (meat factory workers, teachers, ...), the next it's by age groups starting with the over 60s (the over 80s are done and over 70s are in progress). And then all of a sudden, our health minister is asking the department of health to investigate the possibility of vaccinating the 18-30 age group next!!!  Basically the ones who've been ignoring all the health advice, who've been partying through the whole thing. While the rest of us who put our lives on hold will remain stuck in this empty void for the foreseeable future! Well, let me just say that that notion ruined my day!! 

Needless to say this wasn't painted today. Quarter sheet view of Dunmore Head - well, the field and the ocean with just a glimpse of the cliff at the bottom of the headland. I actually painted this during my Big Zoom Painting Adventure with Shelley (TM). And we chatted quite a bit. Which probably put me in the zone. I didn't tense up and worry too much about how this was going to end up. And I love it!

I was going to move to half sheet yesterday. But was too distracted. Next week. There's always next week!

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