Sunday, September 15, 2019

Life Drawing - Lexy

I'm really enjoying Life Drawing these days. Since I've decided I don't like charcoal and I'm using my ArtGraf tailor shapes instead, I'm relaxing more and I think my positive state of mind shows in my drawings! It's taken me a while to figure it out, but charcoal is like pencil - you can rework anything that doesn't work out, erase, draw again, etc. And that doesn't work for me because it makes me second-guess myself from the start - and then I tense up and that's not good. With a material I can't erase (waterproof ink, ArtGraf, direct watercolour), I feel more confident and I just go for it with abandon. Which generally results in a better drawing, in my humble opinion anyway!

Lexy was the model - she's lovely, always in good form. She's really tall, so sometimes I have difficulty making her fit on the page!

5-, 10- and 15-minute poses.

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