Right now, my mind feels busy busy and I am struggling to organise my free time properly. Every time I turn around, I think I need to do some tidying, shredding, or studying Japanese, or a million other things!! I'm at the stage when I'm prioritising my ToDo list, because I know it's not all going to fit in a day. Maybe it's time to go back to Mindfulness. Or just a major tidy-up and de-clutter!
All that to say that a jumpy mind leads to jumpy art. I will go back to the zen-like Lynda Gray style. Or explore drawing with twigs like KK. Maybe I'm too easily influenced, distracted? Or is it the sign of a curious mind? Or it could also be self-sabotage! Or maybe my brain is frazzled from using my iPhone too much, jumping from one thing to the next (I do like my Instagram dopamine hits!)? Or could it be old age? No, probably just the change of season - yes, autumn has hit in Ireland - single digit temperatures at night is a shock to the system!
What was I saying?
Yes, the White Rabbit - Anne-Laure has a great video demonstration of painting flowers wet in wet. I was quite taken by it!
So I decided to give it a go - you see where I'm going with this. You couldn't go further from Lynda Gray than this!!! Maybe I just wanted a little bit of colour in my life. I do like colour.
I tried a few colours in my sketchbook (a completely different range than what I've been using lately) and then I threw myself in. I found her demonstration of negative painting (using Perylene Green) very useful. Whether I succeeded or not is for you to judge!
GORGEOUS! And you can eat them!!