Wednesday, December 25, 2024

A lot of work has been done in the last 13 weeks

So I'm done with Find Your Joy. This is what 12 weeks of painting looks like. Very mixed feelings. The course has definitely led me to explore a different side to my art, it's open doors inside my head. But I think it had the potential to be a lot more than that and it did not deliver what I had hoped. It wasn't the right course for me. I'm a representational watercolour artist with some experience. The course claimed to be for everyone - no matter the experience, the medium or the style. But I think it is probably best for beginners who want to explore abstract acrylics. Also I thrive best in an environment where I can make connections with a small group of people. There were over a thousand participants, and I just felt I was a number, not a real person, which was disappointing. Still, I painted a lot, I discovered a lot, I pushed through, I saw glimpses of where I want to go. Let's see what my art looks like in a year's time. Which reminds me, did I even set goals for myself this year and should I set them for next year? I think I will keep it simple.


  1. Anonymous1:53 pm

    A lot of interesting results came from it then!

    1. Yes, all my hard work paid off. I'm not one to give up, even when I'm frustrated with a course!

  2. Wow, I've taken classes on Sketchy and Domestika and not had the experience you had. The classes were not huge, the teachers were not even there full time yet they responded with respect within a week, tops. I am so glad now I did not take it. Something about it just said no.... BTW, You'd love Shari Blaukoft. Great teacher.

    1. Completely agree. And this wasn't a cheap class. I only got two interactions with the teacher, including this one. The rest was all coaches, previous students of hers, who were lovely. Oh yes, Shari Blaukopf is wonderful. I did a workshop with her in Porto in 2018. She was wonderful.
