Friday, January 31, 2020

More faces

So, I've been very good with this January challenge. Actually, it was perfect for the month that's in it - you get a sense of having achieved something in a month that's often so busy you can't even get started on your goals for the year! Drawing a portrait every day was made easy by two things: the photo to work from is already chosen for you, so you don't have the "what will I paint?" syndrome; and then there is a video with a specific tip given to you by an experienced artist, so you don't have to worry about whether to use a pen, a pencil or watercolours, and how to tackle the task! And for me, there was the extra bonus that I don't normally do portraits, so my expectation of what I could achieve was low!

I also drew our bear Christmas decoration before its long hibernation in the attic!

Day 8 - creating lively blacks with a blue, a red and a green

Day 9 - an unfinished drawing - it got lopsided!

Day 10 - Negative space - that cat was too scary to draw!! and I applied a few things I learned from previous lessons, like leaving the drawing unfinished!

Day 12: don't be afraid of teeth. Where did day 11 go?

Day 11 - there it is - sculpting with white space - I was rushed, so I didn't draw the face, nor the ice-cream cone in the hand.

Day 13 - this is one of my favourites of the whole series

Day 15 - it seems I have lost day 14? It's in my sketchbook, but I'm stuck with Sumi in my lap, so I can't get up to photograph it! This one looks ok if you only look at the eyes!

Day 16 - Drawn with my left hand! With a charcoal pencil!

Day 17 - trying to get the rhythm of the lines!

Day 18 - fountain pen and a bit of Ecoline shading.

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