Monday, February 03, 2014


BB is determined to get me drawing again.  For Christmas he got me a few books on the subject.
The one I'm currently reading and experimenting with is called Freehand Drawing & Discovery. It's really aimed at architects and urban space designers. But it's full of practical information for people like me all the same, people who would like to draw more, but who are not too sure where to start. 

First useful tip that I've put into practice below:

Draw a horizon line and draw stick people's heads on the line - whether they are standing right in front of you or way way in the distance. Draw their bodies and legs in proportion to how far they stand. Add arms. Basically, it's circle for the head, rectangle for the body, 2 flippers for the legs and sticks for the arms. Add detail to the people standing the closest to you. Add shadow. Done!

The first one below was done on a post-it at the end of my busy workday today. (And yes, it has one person whose head is not on the horizon line, but it's a child so that's why he stands lower than his mummy, but his feet are on the same level as hers). The second one was  done with Paper on my iPad last night. I'd be glad if I did one of these a day! But February is looking as bad as January for New Year resolutions. There's always March!

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