Wednesday, January 01, 2014


We waited for the rain to stop before going to the beach today. As a result, it was after lunch before we got out with Timber - not a good idea - a restless dog in the house does not make for a stressfree morning. We had hoped to fit in a lot of rest and relaxation during this holiday, but the weather has not been on our side. Fitting in two 40-60-minute walks a day minimum in between showers and stormy weather has left time for very little else, it seems. We miss day care at PDT!

But we did get to witness spectacular stormy weather over the Irish Sea. The waves crashing on Killiney beach were huge.

So I didn't get to draw today. Maybe tomorrow!

In the meantime, here are a few drawings I managed to fit in in the last few days. As you can see, I'm also exploring fonts - next time, I'll draw guiding lines so all my letters are the same size.

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