I'm sure the days are getting longer already, but it's still so dark! I can't wait for the days to get longer. I normally love this time of the year, as I watch for the faintest glimmer of light in the sky! But I was in the house pretty much all day today, so I didn't really get a chance to feel the fresh breeze on my face and to see the sky, beyond the bit I can see out the window.
Tomorrow is another day, and I'll try to get out more, and get a walk in. I feel I really need to get more oxygen into my lungs. Normally, we'd go for a walk every day over the Christmas period, and get plenty of fresh air. This year, we only went for a brief walk in Bray, and a stroll over in Marlay Park. And a 10-minute walk on the waterfront in Blackrock, Co. Louth, and one walk around Black Island in Castleblayney. So, my body is screaming for fresh air!
A piece of trivia: It is in the baths in Blackrock, Co. Louth, that Brendan learned how to swim!
And a rant: The baths are no longer there now. They have been replaced by an awful apartment block, so typical of the ugly architecture in small towns all around Ireland - completely out of context with its environment.
The worst town I've seen in recent years in

And in case the first picture did not reveal the horror in all its gory

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