Saturday, February 01, 2025

Travel sketches

All went well with my trip to Belgium in early January. Despite my worries. And despite heavy snow the night before I was travelling back to Dublin, and also on the morning I was flying home. Somehow, Brussels continues to function, despite snow. Still, I was a bit of a nervous wreck. I'm not scared of flying at all. But I get anxious when I travel, I worry about delays and cancellations. I did deep breathing and some yoga stretches to still my beating heart, but it's just one of those things that I have to live with. I have discovered that if I use Fasttrack and book the lounge, I am able to stress a little bit less. The lounge in Dublin is €29. Well worth it from my point of view. Plus I get to eat lots and even take a sandwich to eat on the plane!

If I'm travelling for a holiday, I'm still anxious, but I get into my sketching and it's all good fun. Travelling to Belgium isn't a holiday and I struggle with sketching on those trips. Still, I managed to do a little bit. Mostly from observation, some from photos, and also some scribbles and swatches.


Playing with colours

Colour pencils are so much fun. Can you guess what artist has inspired some of my colur choices?